Thursday, April 18, 2013


Baruch has done a decent job of utilizing New Media to keep up with the times. A lot of their material is available online. The library has an extensive online catalog of books, articles, journals, etc. This allows students the ability to access resources from anywhere in the world. This gives students more options and accessibility options. You can get most of what you need from anywhere that has Internet access. Professors can also do the same. There are also other new media technologies like Blackboard, Blogs, online registration, tuition payments, etc…It seems like Baruch also has social media pages like Facebook, Twitter, etc…

Considering all of this, I still think they could do more. The first I would do is most likely do, is add more online courses. I don’t think Baruch has enough classes available online. I would make it a larger part of the course offerings at Baruch. The school has a good reputation and I think this would boost up the enrollment at the school.

I enjoyed one of the previous articles we read in the semester where it utilized Twitter in class somewhat similar to this class. Using Social Media in real time would be something the professors could use to their advantage. You find professors getting distracted in class because they are trying to keep their students off of their electronic gadgets. If the professors would find a way to incorporate social media into the lesson, I think there would be some unique ways in which to keep everyone’s attention and applying it immediately into the real world. Things like Online polls, Q&A sessions, inbox conversations, etc…, would definitely keep the things interesting for the new generation. This can also open up other options like blogs and wikis for classroom information or discussions. It would be amazing if some proprietary software could be created (like Facebook) so that communication could happen internally between students, professors, staff, student clubs, etc. This can be used for promoting events, classroom assignments, important messages, etc. These would be a few of my suggestions. Hopefully they will come to life someday. 

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